With that, we're actively engaged in a series of community related initiatives, this includes being a proud member of the Newman Futures Project. Established and supported by the Shire of East Pilbara and BHP, the Project aims to bring the community together through a variety of activities and events to ensure a sustainable economic future for the town. Our team is particularly involved in Project initiatives associated with the town's economy and the future of work, education and training available to locals.
In June of 2020 for example, we attended the Newman Futures Project's Stronger Business Futures event, which was designed to help spark conversation around growing a vibrant economy in Newman.
"It was great to have the opportunity to listen to various keynote speakers and mingle with many different local Newman businesses who were present. The question and answer sessions provided good insight into upcoming and exciting activity in the town, ultimately identify new opportunities for us to be involved," said Jocelyn Volkner, Monadelphous Services and Improvement Coordinator.
Over coming months, we look forward to sharing key outcomes of our partnership with Newman Futures, if you're keen to learn more in the interim, click here.